Thank you for consulting our plant health care FAQ - this should answer any questions you may have about your treatment services. In the event your question is not covered here, please email, and I’ll be happy to help!

Q: Why don’t you schedule your plant health care treatments?

A great question! So many of our plant health care treatments hinge on specific time windows and/or conditions for optimal application. We have to account for a wide range of factors - from temperatures and their fluctuations, wind level/direction, soil moisture, rainfall, leaf out of different species of trees and shrubs, the life cycles of various pests and insects, and more. It’s quite the balancing act. Something as simple as a change in wind direction can change the entire plan for the day, leaving any attempts at prior notification futile. Our techs need flexibility to adapt as conditions evolve in order to maintain any level of productivity. That being said, in the event you are not home when your treatment was performed, our tech will leave a door hanger for you letting you know it was completed that day, and you will receive your invoice from me by email shortly thereafter.

Q: I was home all day and didn’t see your technician -  were they here?

Yes! Our technicians like to keep disruption to clients and their neighbors to a minimum - especially with so many working from home - so they can be quite stealthy. Most treatments are completed pretty quickly, so they may be in and out before you ever notice them.

Q: It rained shortly after my treatment was performed - does it need to be redone?

No! You’ll be all set; Almost all of our products have surfactant properties that help them adhere to the plant surface very well. It takes around 30 - 60 minutes for products to be fully absorbed so even if there is some rain, it won’t have a negative impact.

Q: Will all of my treatments occur at the same time?

Potentially! We can only take so many products with us each day, so it is possible that all treatments could be done together, OR, we may need to return at another time.

Q: Is it okay to let my children or pets out after the treatment has been performed?

Yes! Here at TF Morra, we use the most ecologically sound products available in order to preserve the health of the environment, as well as the humans and animals who call that environment their home. That said, children and pets can be curious and there may be some interesting scents in the yard to intrigue them. While the products used are not harmful, you still wouldn’t want your dog or child getting themselves covered in it. My personal recommendation is to keep young children and pets indoors for an hour or two post treatment if you are unable to monitor their time outside. Keep in mind that it is entirely unnecessary to do so - just my personal recommendation. 

Q: Will this service be repeated as needed?

Yes - Ahead of each season, I reach out to all clients that have a service due with a reminder email that the treatment will be occurring in the near future, and that we will automatically come out to perform. At this time, you will have an opportunity to ask any questions about your treatment plan, or, if necessary, cancel your services. You will have two weeks from when the email is sent to cancel. Any cancellations should be submitted via email to